「The Sustainable Beauty of Bamboo Charming Souvenirs from the Forest」
ENJOY KYOTO Spring 2024 2024年3月掲載
To the southwest of Kyoto City, in Nagaokakyo, is Takano Chikkö, a studio that grows bamboo and makes it into modern handicrafts. The gentle warmth, flexible strength and speedy growth of bamboo have boosted its reputation as a superlative material.
The founder, who was an artisan of tea utensils, established it in 1968 in the Otokuni area, which for a thousand years has been known as a source of quality bamboo.
"In order to make the finest prod-ucts, we start with the raw material, which is bamboo." This is the philosophy of Takano Chikko, which manages a bamboo grove within Nagaokakyo and surrounding regions, and is committed to carrying out all production processes itself, from nurturing and harvesting the bamboo to the crafting of products. Due to the temperature difference that is characteristic of mountain basins, the Otokuni region grows thick, quality bamboo. The plant grows with such vigour that it can climb as high as 20 meters just three months after sprouting even without fertilizer or pesticides, but its quality suffers if the grove is allowed to become unkempt.
ENJOY KYOTO Spring 2024より抜粋
The job of maintaining the groves is done by tradespeople called kiriko, who carefully harvest the bamboo in a way that takes into account the effect it will have on the environment in 10 or 20 years in the future and the look of the forest.
京都を訪れる海外の方に向けて、英語で京都の情報を紹介するタブロイド判情報誌「ENJOY KYOTO」に、「The Sustainable Beauty of Bamboo(竹の持続可能な美しさ)」と題して、高野竹工の取り組みが掲載されました。
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