真竹タケノコが 元気良く顔を出した頃に
和尚様から 「少し竹を伐ってもらえますか」とご連絡をいただき
葉替わりを終えて 新緑期に入った竹林には 鶯の美声が響いています
竹林を見ながら 「これは1日では難しいかもしれません」 と言うと
「はい」 と和尚様
細かなご説明を聞きながら 和尚様と清々しい風景を見ていると
どうも何やらふつふつと やる気の意地が顔を出します
( 出来るかな… いやいや無理は禁物… でも… )
意地と理性が押し問答中のRさんに 和尚様がやさしく言いました
「まあ 2日で終わらなければ 次の週も…」
その言葉を聞いた途端 カチッとRさんの心の中で 勝負スイッチが入りました
妙なところで スイッチが入る
When Madake bamboo’s sprout has come up to the surface,
Oshō sama (Buddhist priest) called me for cutting bamboo.
I visited the bamboo forest to take a look beforehand.
In a verdurous bamboo forest where new leaves replaced the old ones,
we could hear a beautiful chorus of bush warblers.
I said to the priest in looking at the bamboo forest “it might be hard to
finish in one day”.
“Yes”, said the priest.
However, when I heard his explanation in taking a look at refreshing scenery
with him, some sense of responsibility and motivation came up to me.
(Can I do it...? Too much work is harmful, but...)
While I was haggling over with a sense of responsibility and reason,
the priest talked to me genlty.
“If you could not finish working within 2 days, you have next week...”
When I heard this, a switch of “challenge” has turned on in my mind.
Switch is flipped on at a weird moment.
(translated by C.N.)