小春日和の林のそばに そっと咲いた野の花ひとつ
このイヌタデの葉は ヤナギタデとは違って辛味がないそうだ
それでもタデ科の仲間をみると 藍染に使われる蓼藍(タデアイ) スイバ(スカンポ)
地味ではあっても 個性派揃い
静かに咲く野の花に 心の内を重ねて詠んだ
Autumn wildflowers
Today was an Indian summer.
I found a cute wildflower in a field next to the forest, which apparently is called creeping smartweed.
When you look at the knotweed family, such as indigo plant and marshpepper knotweed, they are very interesting.
Indigo plant is used for indigo dyeing and marshpepper knotweed leaves have a spice taste.
They are normal plants in appearance, but each of them has their own character.