
2015.11.6  竹林便り 

そもそも自然を相手にしているため 「なんでだろう?」

と思うことは 日常茶飯事なことですが

写真の竹は 昨年10月に 伐竹(ばっちく)して

倉庫に入りきらず 会社に立てて置いた竹が

今年の10月の時点で まだ枯れずに青々としていたため

良材かどうかを見るため 油抜きをしてみたもの



しかしよくあの暑い夏の中を 腐らなかったものである

どうしてなのか わからない

The view point of science

As a forester, engage directly with nature everyday, so I have often come to feel the mysteries of nature.
Last year, our company's warehouse was fully packed with bamboos which I had cut from the forest. Therefore, I put a few of them, which couldn't fit inside, against the eaves of the warehouse outside.
A year later, some of them outside had not died and remained fresh.
I tried processing them by removing their oil using a gas and the finish of their surface color was very nice.
But how had they survived from the scorching heat through the summer...