
2015.10.16  竹林便り 

収穫間近の稲穂を見ると 近所に住んでいた女のひとを思い出します

新米の季節になるとやって来て とびきり美味しいご飯を炊いてくれたものでした

そのお米に対する思いは半端ではなく 研ぎ方からお茶碗に盛り付ける瞬間まで


子どもながら どうしてそこまでするのかなと 不思議でたまらず

Rさんが尋ねると 「若いあなたたちにこそ この味を知っておいてほしいのよ」

ピカピカの新米のような笑顔で そう言いました

ただ無心に お米の力を引き出そうとする姿勢の その先に

すべての「道」に繋がる まなざしがあり

心に豊かな風景を持つ 女のひと

Memories of newly harvested rice

When I look at the ripe rice, it recalls memories of my childhood.
Every year, when this time of the year comes, there was a woman who lived near my house came to my place to share amazingly delicious newly harvested rice with us.
Her passion towards cooking the rice is incredible and all the processes, from washing to the serving, she carefully done that with her heart.

One day I asked her. "Why do you have to do that much?"
She said with a smile on her face. "Because you are young, I want you to know this taste."
She had a very nice womanly smile.
Her attitude towards bringing up the utmost potential of rice can be leaded to any other great paths of our lives and professions.
I think she has rich sceneries in her mind.