
2015.10.6  竹林便り 

秋分の日のあくる朝 ふっと良い香りに辺りを見ると


数年前まで Rさんはこの木の香りを 

竹を伐り始める 合図と考えていました

ところがどうも この9/23から伐り始めた年は

後半の仕上がりが あまり芳しくなく

今では8月の始まりとともに 竹を伐り始めています 

今年はなかなかの 良い仕上がり

自然を観ながら 感じながら

少しずつ竹の世界が 見えてきます

A sign of the cutting season of bamboos

One morning I could feel something nice in the air when I left for work.
I looked around and found that the fragrant orange-colored olives had come into flower.
Every year, until a few years ago, I start cutting bamboos when I could smell this tree.
However, I was not completely satisfied with the result outcomes of the second half of the season. So now, I start to cut them at the beginning of August.

This year, my work is going well and results have been quite good so far.