
2015.9.6  竹林便り 

9月初めの竹林で わっさわっさと落ち葉をならしていると

虫取りかごを首に下げた 少年たちがやって来て尋ねました


「カブトムシなら 竹林の中の 土がたくさんある辺りの木を探してごらん」

Rさんは竹林の中ほどにある 土塚(つちづか)に少年たちを案内しました

昨年ここで カブトムシの幼虫を沢山見たのですが 

少年たちが 近くの木を探している間 土を掘ってみましたが

やはりもう 飛び立った後のようでした

「僕 カブトムシの卵持っててね! ちゃんとかえったよ」 

「僕は 幼虫3匹持ってたよ!」

「僕の持ってるオスのカブトムシ むっちゃ強いんだよ!」

目をキラキラさせながら続く 子供たちのカブトムシ自慢に 耳を傾けていると



そそくさと 土の中へと潜っていく 幼虫を見ながら

子供たちの 眩しい夏が 終わろうとしていたのでした

The children's summer

When I was working in the bamboo forest at the beginning of September, a few kids asked me,
"Where can we find beetles and stag beetles around here?"
So I said,
"Ah! then look for trees growing near the place where there is a pile of soil. "
I took them to the place where I saw lots of larvae last year and searched for beetles together.
But it seems that they had already flown away.
Before long, each kid began to boast about their beetles.
"I had a beetle's egg and they had already hatched!"
"I had three beetle's larvae! "
"My male beetle is very strong!"
Soon after, a beetle larva finally appeared from the ground.
But it went back to the ground quickly.
I wonder if it will pass the winter after this.
I felt that the children's summer is about to end.