とある竹林で ご住職との会話
「和尚様 この竹は葉が10枚ほどしか付いていません 伐りますね」
『どれですか …うん 残しとこ ようさん付いてるよ… 歯無いのは私や』
確かに よく見ると10枚以上 いやいや100枚くらい付いてるかもしれません
何とも楽しく しみじみゆかしき 秋の暮れ
One day in a bamboo forest...
I talked with a temple master.
“This bamboo has only about 10 leaves. I will cut it.”
“Which one…? Well we’ll keep it. There are still many. It’s me who has no teeth (=’ha’ in Japanese which has the same pronunciation with ‘leaf’)”
Actually when I looked carefully, there were more than 10 or even 100 leaves on the bamboo.
It was a heartwarming day of late autumn.
(translated by c.n.)