竹とともにめぐる季節の ほんの一コマを
紹介させていただくようになり 早5年
この弊社ブログは お二人の素晴らしい翻訳家両氏と進めております
ずば抜けた翻訳の手腕のみならず Rさんにとっては
両氏から頂いた 星の数ほどの 暖かいお言葉は
大きな励みとなり また力を与えて頂いています
あふれる感謝は 尽きません
さていよいよ真竹タケノコも 顔を出しました
待ちに待った 命の産声が 林に響きます
Two Reliable Women
Already five years have passed since our company's official blog has started.
We are always thankful to those of you following the posts.
This blog is jointly produced with two great translators.
I am continually encouraged by their tender words and impressed by their ability as a translator.
I cannot thank them deeply enough.
By the way, finally some bamboo shoots of Matake have grown up on the ground.
The winds in the forest here and there carry the sounds of their first cries.