
2015.3.15  竹林便り 

大覚寺竹林の 南の端に

雨ニモマケズ 風ニモマケズ

雪ニモ・・・ 時々竹ヲ倒シテクルRサンニモ決シテマケナイ

非常に強者の 梅の木がいる

幹の中が枯れ 外皮のみで養分を吸い上げ

春の初めに いつも静かに花を咲かせる

まだ北風の吹いていた頃 庭掃除のおっちゃんが


そうつぶやきながら 手際よく仕事を終えた

凄い凄いと 誉めるおっちゃんに

きっと梅の木も 心を震わせて 嬉し涙を流していただろう

Tears of A Strong Tree

There is a very strong Ume tree (Japanese apricot) in the Daikakuji-temple.
Because it endures rain, wind, snow and also sometimes even the shock of myself knocking a bamboo against the tree...
The bark is the only part of the tree that is alive. It sucks up soil nutrient from the ground and its flower blooms every spring quietly.
One day a cleaning man who works there looked at the tree and murmured, "Oh,what a tough tree! I will support you with some bamboos."
He finished working in no time.
The Ume tree must have shed some tears of joy.