
2014.8.24  竹林便り 

8月7日の「立秋」辺りから 竹林の中では

秋のキノコが 顔を見せ始めます

「ノウタケ(ホコリタケ科)」 ふんわりと焼きあがった パンのようです

紫野「高桐院」の 和尚様の心のこもったお便りも 届き

さあ! いよいよ今年の伐竹作業が 始まります

With The Beginning Of Fall

August 7 is the day called "Risshuu" in Japan.
It is the first day of fall by the old calendar.
Around this time, some mushrooms have grown in the bamboo forest.
The mushroom in the picture is called "Noutake" in Japanese.
It looks like a bread that was baked to golden brown.

My work cutting bamboos is finally going to start now.