
2015.4.27  竹林便り 

くるくると舞い散る 笹の葉と 若葉の季節

一面草野原の干場で 竹を裏返しながら ふと思う


わが社の二人のSさんは その背中が美しい




いやはやまるで 敵わない

The Staff Members I Respect

A season in which bamboo leaves fall in the wind has arrived, and also the forest is covered with full flesh verdure.
I feel the pleasure of working other great staff of our company.
Our company has two expert artisans with both surname start with "S".
One of them is a master at making bamboo tea scoops and endowed with a natural sense of humor.
The other Mr."S" is a cabinetmaker with an intellectual sort of smile.
Every time gazing at their handicrafts, I feel that I am no match for them and their work.