
2015.4.5  竹林便り 

菜の花香る帰り道 日本晴れの空の下

川辺の桜がほころぶ傍では 風にそよぐ雪柳

次々と響き始めた 春の音色に誘われて

孟宗竹林を のぞいてみると

小さな頭が ひょっこり1つ…

「今年の春は 今まで見た中でも 1番美しいな・・・」

春が来るたび 同じことを 心で思う

待ちわびて咲く 春のチカラ

一球入魂 Ikkyuu-nyuukon

The air was filled with the scent of canola flower.
Under the blossoming cherry trees, many Thunberg's meadowsweets were rustling in the wind.
It was a beautiful day.
I dropped by the bamboo forest of Mousouchiku. There was a small bamboo shoot growing up from the ground.
Every spring I feel that this spring is the most beautiful one I have ever seen.
The spring energy earnestly awaits to bloom.