青い青い夏の空の中 伐竹(ばっちく)の作業が続きます
秋の風が吹くまでに 毎年一度はくじけそうになります
次年度は蚊に負けじと カッパとタオルでぐるぐる巻きの完全装備で挑み 2時間で暑さで目を回しました
それでも 大きな木が届けてくれるそよ風に救われながら ひた竹を伐ります
Under the clear blue sky, I’m working on cutting bamboo.
I tend to be discouraged every year before feeling fresh autumn breeze.
The first year I engaged in this job, I cry craven faced by a swarm of mosquitoes.
The following year, I was fully equipped with raincoat and towel for not giving way to mosquitoes,
but I could not hold up more than 2 hours.
The third year, I ran away quoting that “it would be in October or November” when bamboo should
be cut according to every documents I read.
With a terrible result of this year, I have decided to start cutting bamboo in August and keep in this way
for 8 years until now.
I remember that some of the bamboo which I cut in August at the first year have grown beautifully and this gave me the reason.
Some people who know bamboo well ask me why it should be cut in this season.
I don’t know why.
However I’m cutting and cutting with helpful breeze sent from some big trees.
(translated by c.n)