
2015.7.6  竹林便り 

きれいに片付けられた作業台に 2本の根掘り竹が置いてあり

それを見たRさんは 思いました (うわ~美しい!)

今までに見た白竹(しらたけ)の中でも 透き通るような質感が際立っていました


そんなことを考えていると M部長が横に来て 言いました

「昨年 うちで油抜きをしたものですよ」  「・・・本当ですか!!」

仕事に対する理想の非常に高いM部長が 竹の仕上がりに相好を崩したのを


冬の吹雪の中 根掘りをして下さったN林業さんにも 感謝があふれます

I found two bamboo loots laying on the bench and I thought "How beautiful they are!"
They had the most beautiful and almost translucent quality of texture that I have never seen before, among a type of bamboo called Shiratake.
"I wonder which company finished them."
Mr. M, our production manager told me that our company finished them last year.
I was happy to see him smiling with a satisfied look for the first time, because he is very strict with his work.
Besides all that, I appreciate the efforts of "N" forestry which cut down those bamboo loots in the snowstorm last winter.