
2015.2.11  竹林便り 

油抜きをして天日に干した竹を 「白竹」と言います

実際に仕上がった竹の色は 淡い黄色味がかった色にも見えますが

先代の社長から 油抜きを教わっていた頃

干場へやって来た社長が Rさんに言いました


あれから6年以上経ち ようやく社長が言おうとしていたことが

少しずつ 見えてくるようになりました

適期を逃して伐られた竹は どれほど待っても水が抜けきらず

仕上がりは 黄色味を帯び

油抜き工程で 少しでも火に当てすぎた場合にも 黄色くなってしまいます

つまり天日に晒された竹の色に その竹の品質が表れます

今年の竹は 曾てないほどに水抜きが上手くいき 良い色に仕上がってきています

あとはRさんが慌てて焦がさないことに 懸っているのですが・・・


Shiratake is a type of processed bamboo by which oil is removed from the green bamboo using a method called "Aburanuki" and then exposed to the sun for a while to be dried.
When I learned this process from our former president he told me that
"When you look at the finished bamboos lined up in the field, look out over them from little distance, just like looking at a painting. And then if you can see them in whitish-yellow, they are in the top condition. But if you see them in yellow, they are not."

Six years have passed since then.
Little by little, I have begun to understand what he told me.
For example, if you missed season of cutting the bamboos, color of their finish have a tinge of yellow.
And it also happens when the process of "Aburanuki" is applied too much.
But this year, finish of the bamboo have been good so far.