今年の春 部長から 「竹箸が忙しくてね 常務の助手に入ってもらえる?」
そう声をかけられて 思わずRさんは思った (鬼の常務とマンツーマンですか!!)
Rさんは 腹をくくった
4年前にスタートした 孟宗竹の伐竹・油抜きが どのようなお箸に仕上がっているのか 確認しよう
やはりN常務は とんでもなく厳しかった
「最終検品を通過するお箸 半分無いで!」
「無くなってない!」 ( ヒッ! )
「フム、けど確かに・・・少なくはなったかな」 ( オッシッ! )
背中を向けた常務の後ろで Rさんは小さくガッツポーズをした
途端に逆三角形の目の常務が くるっとこちらを見た ( 頭の角がキャッチした? )
そこからが 超錬成コースだった
ここまでの9年分のお説教が 3か月続いた
何より心に深く刺さったのは ゴミ箱に次々にお箸を入れていく時の 常務の表情だった
甘い気持ちがほんの少しでもあるならば 試みなどしてはならない
毎日常務に言われたことを ノートに書き込んでも とても間に合わないほど
本当に多くの事を 教えていただきました
2014年の 最も心に響いた やさしい鬼からの メッセージ
Drama of " The bamboo chopsticks"
”Since the director is very busy, would you get to assist him with his work on "bamboo chopsticks”?
The production manager asked me.
"Will I work one-to-one with that tough director!?"
I unconsciously thought so.
But I was thinking also that while he is very strict with his work,
he is very a person with generosity and devotion
that's why anyone who works with him would certainly learn something.
I prepared.
I thought I'll check the finished condition of my cut bamboos.
Sure enough, the director was very strict.
"Less than half of chopsticks have passed inspection so far."
"B… but the stains were gone… "
”No, they weren't gone! Hm... but they seem to be decreasing." "Yes!"
I raised my fist behind him.
Then, the director raised his eyes and turned toward me.
After that, I was lectured by him for three months.
It was the director's face when he threw away the bad chopsticks one after another
that imprinted on my mind above all.
I realized that, I would rather do nothing than attempt an optimistic but unrealistic plan.
His messages made the biggest impression and touched me deeply moved on me this year.